Currency converter

Currency converter. Convert and calculate all currencies in live mode. Just enter the amount in your interested currency field and converter will show you the worth of other currencies automatically. You can set up a currency calculator and add or remove the currencies that you want. The exchange rates are constantly changing, yet this smart currency converter updates exchange rates in live mode, so the conversion results are always accurate. Below the calculator there is a chart of the currency pairs you're trying to count the value of, so this helps to imagine the past and the future of the currency exchange rates. We've prepared a separate page for each currency pair and on each of those pages you can add and modify your converter on your own. More than 140 different currencies’ data updates appear each second and each pair's converter generates charts next to the calculator. So, please feel free to use our smart currency converter, as well as follow live currency rates and charts.

Currency converter

US dollar (USD)
Euro (EUR)
British Pound (GBP)
Japanese Yen (JPY)
Norwegian Krone (NOK)
Swedish Krona (SEK)
Swiss Franc (CHF)
New Zealand Dollar (NZD)
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Best currency converter

The most popular currencies in the world are, of course, US dollar and Euro. However, there are many travelers in different countries with different currency, so the currency exchange is still relevant and needed. The most popular currency conversions are: US dollar to Euro, Euro to British pound, US dollar to British pound, US dollar to Australian dollar, Euro to Swedish krona, Euro to Australian dollar, US dollar and Euro to Japanese Yen, Euro to Swiss Franc, US dollar to Chinese Yuan, US dollar to Canadian dollar, US dollar to South Korean Won, Euro to South African Rand, Euro to Indian Rupee, US dollar to Russian Ruble, US dollar to Hong Kong dollar and many more.

With this currency converter, you're able to add your favorite currencies and remove the ones you don't need. Add or remove as many currencies as you want and construct the converter according to your needs. Enter the amount in the field next to the currency and you will see the converted results in other currency fields.

Currency converter

Just imagine – you are traveling from your home to the country where the national currency is different than yours and you don't know the value of that currency. Just go to the currency calculator and convert any currency - it is very fast, reliable and useful. Our converter is always updating with fresh currency exchange rates from the most popular live forex markets, so you are always safe with and guaranteed to get the best and the newest exchange rates.

Currency converter on mobile, tablet and desktop

This currency converter works on all devices and does not cause any problems when you’re browsing on the web. You don't have to install any app on your device, just save this page's url and you'll always be able to use perfectly programmed currency converter on your phone, tablet and, of course, computer.

This international currency converter consists of as many currencies as there are in the entire world. As we mentioned before, you are able to construct your own calculator from different currencies. But if you wish to convert only most popular currencies, then we've prepared these converters:

The usage of prepared currency converters will save you much time. The main idea is to help you reach your favorite conversion tool in a comfortable way. By saving the urls of your favorite currency calculators, you won't need to google the most common phrases, like "currency converter, currency calculator" and each time have it appear on the site that you don't know or be provided with data which might not be so accurate. So instead, enjoy using our convenient and reliable converter.

We have prepared many currency converters for different country with different languages. Also, for each converter we've made photoshoot with converter to recognize which country it is. Interesting fact that we have found a place in Canary Islands with all the world flags on the tiles. You can check multi-language currency calculators here:

Currency converter in French - Convertisseur de devises
Currency converter in Portuguese - Conversor de moedas
Currency converter in Latvian - Valutas kalkulators
Currency converter in Lithuanian - Valiutos skaičiuoklė
Currency converter in Finnish - Valuuttamuunnin
Currency converter in Italian - Convertitore di valuta

We are still working and preparing currency calculators for every language and country in the world. The pages with calculators are ready to use, just we have to write some stories and advices how it is better to change currency if you want to save money. We are reviewing best currency exchange offices and common advices to save money when exchanging foreign currency. To do this in different languages and also to analyze every country in the world it is challenge! We've accepted this, and we are serving to all our visitors to reach best user experience when using currency converter.

Currency converter usage on Mobile (video)

As you see in the video, this currency converter is available to use on mobile phone, everywhere you want, in the street, forest, bar, bank - anywhere. We are ready to introduce you more tutorials how to use currency converter and how to exchange currency at best rates.

Currency converters by languages
Convertitore di valuta (Italian)
Convertitore di valuta

Converti e calcola in tutte le valute in tempo reale. Basta inserire l'importo nel campo di una valuta e il convertitore mostrerà automaticamente il valore nelle altre valute.

Convertisseur de devises (French)
Convertisseur de devises

Convertissez toutes les devises du monde, en direct. Il vous suffit de saisir le montant dans le champ de la devise qui vous intéresse, et le convertisseur vous indiquera automatiquement sa valeur dans d’autres devises.

Valuuttamuunnin (Finnish)

Muunna ja laske kaikkia valuuttoja livetilassa. Syötä haluamasi määrä valuuttakenttään ja muunnin näyttää sinulle muiden valuuttojen arvon automaattisesti.

Conversor de moedas (Portuguese)
Conversor de moedas

Converta e calcule todas as moedas no modo ao vivo. Só precisa de digitar o valor em que está interessado no campo da moeda e o conversor mostrar-lhe-á automaticamente o valor de outras moedas.

Valūtas kalkulators (Latvian)
Valūtas kalkulators

Konvertējiet un aprēķiniet visas valūtas reālā laika režīmā. Vienkārši ievadiet vajadzīgo daudzumu attiecīgās valūtas laukā, un valūtas kalkulators jums automātiski parādīs citu valūtu vērtību.

Valiutos skaičiuoklė (Lithuanian)
Valiutos skaičiuoklė

Ši valiutų skaičiuoklė yra unikali tuo, kad jums tereikia įvesti į norimos konvertuoti valiutos laukelį sumą, o valiutos skaičiuoklė iš karto parodys šios valiutos vertę kitų valiutų atžvilgiu.

Valuta omrekenen (Dutch)
Valuta omrekenen

Valuta omrekenen. Converteer en bereken alle valuta's in live-modus. Voer het bedrag in het veld van uw geïnteresseerde valuta in en de converter zal u automatisch de waarde van andere valuta laten zien.

Währungsrechner (Deutch)

Währungsrechner. Konvertieren und berechnen Sie alle Währungen im Live-Modus. Geben Sie einfach den Betrag in das gewünschte Währungsfeld ein und der Umrechner zeigt Ihnen automatisch den Wert anderer Währungen an.

Conversor de moedas (Brazil - Portuguese)
Conversor de moedas

Conversor de moedas. Converta e calcule todas as moedas no modo ao vivo. Só precisa de digitar o valor em que está interessado no campo da moeda e o conversor mostrar-lhe-á automaticamente o valor de outras moedas.

Conversor de divisas (Spanish)
Conversor de divisas

Convierte y calcula todas las monedas en modo en vivo. Simplemente ingrese la cantidad en su campo de moneda interesado y el convertidor le mostrará automáticamente el valor de otras monedas.

Conversor de divisas (Mexico)
Conversor de divisas

Las monedas más populares del mundo son, por supuesto, el dólar estadounidense y el euro. Somos mexicanos, por lo que estamos interesados en las conversiones de pesos mexicanos.

Convertidor de monedas (Chileno)
Convertidor de monedas

Convertidor de monedas. Aparecen más de 140 actualizaciones de datos de monedas diferentes: dolar a peso chileno, valor dolar, dolar hoy, euro a peso chileno, euros a pesos chilenos.

Przelicznik walut (Polish)
Przelicznik walut

Przelicznik walut. Konwertuj i oblicz wszystkie waluty w trybie na żywo. Złoty do dolara, euro, funtów lub dowolnej waluty światowej. Możesz skonfigurować kalkulator walutowy, dodawać lub usuwać waluty, które chcesz.

Valutaomvandlare (Swedish)

Valutaomvandlare. Konvertera och beräkna alla valutor i live-läge. Ange bara beloppet i ditt intresserade valutafält och valutaomvandlare visar automatiskt värdet på andra valutor.

Valutakalkulator (Norwegian)

Valutakalkulator. Mer enn 140 dataoppdateringer av forskjellige valutaer vises hvert sekund, og hvert parets omformer genererer diagram ved siden av kalkulatoren. Kroner til dollar, euro, svenske kroner, danske kroner, polske zloty og mange flere.

Valutaomregner (Danish)

Valutaomregner. De vigtigste valutakonverteringer for os er: dollar til dkk, euro til dkk, pund til dkk, sek og nok til dkk, zloty til dkk. Mere end 140 opdateringer af forskellige valutaer vises hvert sekund, og hvert pars konverter genererer diagrammer ved siden af ​​lommeregneren.

Конвертер валют (Russian)
Конвертер валют

Конвертер валют. Конвертируйте и рассчитывайте все валюты в режиме реального времени. Для нас важнее всего: доллар в рубли, евро в рубли, гривны в рубли, фунты в рубли, тенге в рубли, йены в рубли, юани в рубли.

Convertor valutar (Romanian)
Convertor valutar

Convertor Valutar. Convertiți și calculați toate monedele în modul live. Cel mai important curs valutar și conversii pentru noi este moneda euro, dolar, lira sterlină și francul elveţian.

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