Ethereum (ETH)
Ethereum (ETH) price, charts, market capitalization, history. Check Ethereum live and history price in charts and tables, do analysis with special ETH tools below. Ethereum is the second most popular cryptocurrency in the world that was launched in 2013. Also based on a distributed ledger known as blockchain, the Ethereum offers a programmable blockchain so that others can benefit from the technology. Its currency is called Ether and it can be mined. The Ethereum also offers global peer-to-peer payments with small transaction fees. Ethereum is an amazing currency system that deploys the most useful blockchain at the moment. Other companies can launch their limited coins on the market just like an initial public offering at a stock exchange. The earnings of the project are automatically distributed among the investor community. This is the beauty of the smart apps and that is why the automated contract fulfillment is the future. The currency Ether can also be used as a cryptocurrency and it has the same stellar qualities as bitcoin.
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Ethereum has perhaps the most bright future in all cryptocurrencies, perhaps even more than bitcoin. The reason is that its ability to provide companies, organizations and even banks what they need in the form of blockchain. Bitcoin is the dollar of the cryptocurrency world, universally accepted and all but Ethereum could become the gold of cryptocurrencies with an inherent value that everybody needs.
Who Invented Ethereum? Ethereum was created in 2013 by Vitalik Buterin and launched in 2014. Other co-founders include Joseph Lubin and Gavin Wood. The system was designed not only as a cryptocurrency but as a way to provide blockchain’s immense potential to other people and organizations. The founders studies how decentralized autonomous apps could be deployed on a blockchain and came up with their system. The Ethereum’s mining process was also proof of work based. (POW). The main investors in Ethereum are of course the traders, miners and the people investing in decentralized autonomous applications. Ethereum blockchain allows other apps to be programmed and launched on the blockchain and thus even other coins can be launched based on the Ethereum blockchain. All the earnings of these dapps and other coins being released on it are dispersed in the form of Ether (ETH). So, the investing community of Ethereum is much more diverse than bitcoin, though less in number perhaps. Mining. Ethereum can be mined but the mining process is very different from bitcoin itself. There are over 92 million Ethereum in circulation and there is no hard cap on the maximum number of coins. So, it might never be able to achieve the price of bitcoin since we know how long it will last. The number of Ether being released each year is however fixed.
Who has brighter future? Ethereum or Bitcoin? They are totally different, and i don't understand why Bitcoin has higher capitalization than Ethereum. What is Bitcoin? It's nothing, just coin. Ethereum is more than a coin it's like Windows in 1993.
What is Ethereum price predictions? When i've started in January with crypto, Ethereum price was at $1500, now at $285. Does it mean that Ethereum is dead? What happening? What is your Ethereum predictions? Will NEO or EOS replace Ethereum, is it possible?
Where is the best place to buy or sell Ethereum? I want to create some apps, so i need to buy ethereum. After i create app, i am wondering to receive some coins and then sell Ethereum. So, where is the best place to buy and sell Ethereum?
Which is the best ethereum wallet? I've tried to download from their site Ethereum application with wallet, but it stop while initializing and takes around 80gb of my hard drive. Is it normal if i want to have simple Ethereum wallet?
Since people are always trying to look for explanations on why there are dumps... Why did ETH dump so hard? Some ICOs/big holders trying to get rid of it because of the ongoing investigations or other information we don't know yet?
will Ether continue to drop. I had to use my Ether the other day on another investment and of course it skyrocketed right after :)
Looks like another market DIP is coming. But also might be the rise. We actually didn't have any correction in 1D chart, so i think soon we will have at least 2-3 days correction.