USD to CAD exchange rate, chart
US dollar to Canadian dollar exchange rate. Check live USD to CAD exchange rates chart, history US dollar to Canadian dollar exchange rates data in charts and detailed tables. Accurate exchange rates updates in live mode, so all information are fresh. Below you'll find both exchange rates USD/CAD and inverse CAD/USD. If you want to convert the values of each currency, it's very comfortable to use real time USD to CAD converter aside. In USD/CAD chart you can do analysis and make some decisions: keep, sell or buy your wanted currency. In this page you'll also find basic information about US dollar and Canadian dollar currency, banknotes and their coins. Don't forget, if you have any questions about US dollar or Canadian dollar exchange rates, currencies future, denominations of banknotes validity - just ask or read already answered questions at the bottom of this page.
The USD to Canadian dollar currency pair tells traders how many Canadian dollars are needed to buy one US dollar. This currency pair is usually called the Loonie, a reference to the loon on the Canadian $1 coin. There are several factors that tend to influence USD/CAD. In Canada, the Bank of Canada determines interest rates while the Federal Reserve does the same in the U.S. An interest rate differential can affect relative currency values. The USD to CAD exchange rate usually has a negative correlation with the GBP/USD, AUD/USD, and NZD/USD pairs. USD/CAD is one of three commodity pairs that include NZD/USD and AUD/USD. These pairs are strongly correlated to commodity fluctuations, oil in particular.
USD to CAD exchange rate chart
Prepared money conversions
CAD to USD conversion
Exchange rates today 22 Jan 2025USD to CAD currency information
Banknote samples

Banknotes and coins
Convert us dollar to cad with flexible currency converter, also check US Dollar to CAD exchange rate which is changing every second and might be impacted of many different reasons of those two neighbors - United States and Canada. Usd to cad currency pair is stable and doesn't show huge changes, when most of the time US dollar is stronger than CAD. 1 USD value is mostly more than 1 CAD, and just few times through crisis period in 2007 and 2011-2012 the currency of USD was equal or less than 1 CAD. Canada has their own specifics in the country with most dangerous real estate situation, which every time on economics cycles the prices in Toronto is too high than it should be. Real estate prices and economics in Canada seriously impacts and strength of Canadian dollar against US dollar. If you travel to Canada, you can easily convert US dollars to Canadian dollars at most places. First, check currency converter for general conversion rate, then you can look for currency exchanges or exchange money somewhere online. Also, if you need to transfer US dollars or Canadian dollars to any country or from US to Canada, you're able to transfer money via xoom, Paypal, Moneygram, Transferwise, Western Union etc. But if you want just to convert your US dollars to cad, then you have to compare and to know where is the best usd to cad exchange rate. Actually, in Canada and in the United States it is possible to exchange money at any currency exchange in the city and malls malls. Also, online, via money transfer services and at least banks, with very high commissions. Before you go to any currency exchange, you should check general conversion rate with currency converter.
Date | exchange rate USD/CAD |
exchange rate CAD/USD |
Day change USD/CAD |
Percentile change USD/CAD |
We are Canadians and going to Cabo next week for a first time. Wondering if pesos (mxn) is the best currency or should we take US dollars or cad? How safe are the atms in Mexico?
Where is better exchange rate to exchange Canadian dollars to USD? In Canada or USA - cad to usd.
Which foreign currency exchange has the best exchange rate in Montreal? I want to exchange money from USD to CAD.

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