Conversion rate

Conversion rate. Here you can see all questions and answers related with conversion rate. If you have more questions about Conversion rate, just ask - we are ready to answer.
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5 years ago

What is the conversion rate from dollars to pounds?

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ejikeme ekejiuba
7 years ago

pls want to know the current currency rate of south Africa to us dollars ?

Donald Trump
6 years ago

One bill equals 1,000 American dollars

7 years ago

Hello, I would like to know if it’s possible to trasnfer money to that bank, which offers better exchange rate and convert currency there?

Steven J
7 years ago

Bee, thank you for the question. Doing a transaction in a foreign currency and in a different bank means that you will be charged with foreign transaction fees. That’s why you should do some calculations and assess if it’s worth doing and whether stronger exchange rate will pay off. In theory, you are allowed to do it.

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