GBP to USD exchange rate, chart

British Pound to US dollar exchange rate. Check live GBP to USD exchange rates chart, history British Pound to US dollar exchange rates data in charts and detailed tables. Accurate exchange rates updates in live mode, so all information are fresh. Below you'll find both exchange rates GBP/USD and inverse USD/GBP. If you want to convert the values of each currency, it's very comfortable to use real time GBP to USD converter aside. In GBP/USD chart you can do analysis and make some decisions: keep, sell or buy your wanted currency. In this page you'll also find basic information about British Pound and US dollar currency, banknotes and their coins. Don't forget, if you have any questions about British Pound or US dollar exchange rates, currencies future, denominations of banknotes validity - just ask or read already answered questions at the bottom of this page.

The US dollar and GB pound pair is one of the most liquid trades in forex with very narrow bid-ask margins. Despite this, the pair's liquidity and high number of trading instruments make it an excellent choice for beginning forex traders. The times most active for this pair are when New York and London are open. When American economic performance is higher than that of the UK, the dollar strengthens against the British pound. When the UK's economic performance exceeds America's, the dollar weakens. This relationship in the GBP to USD exchange rate makes it essential to watch the relative strength of each nation's economies and interest rates. The GBP/USD pair usually has a positive correlation with the EUR/USD pair and a negative correlation with USD/CHF pair.

GBP to USD converter
Calculate and convert GBP to USD
GBP to USD live exchange rate
18 Dec 2024
GBP to USD calculator
Convert GBP to USD and know the latest exchange rates. You can also use pound to dollar live currency converter, follow up gbp to usd live chart, view the history of this popular currency pair. GB pound and US dollar exchange rate is very unpredictable since Great Britain announced about Brexit and since Donald Trump became the president of the US. Check the latest exchange rates and convert GBP to USD anytime, 24/7 with the accurate data.

GBP to USD exchange rate chart

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GBP to USD currency information

United Kingdom
United States
0.00 0.00%
0.00 0.00%

Banknote samples

50 Pound sterling
50 Pound sterling
100 US Dollar
100 US Dollar

Banknotes and coins

Denominations of British Pound
Banknotes: Pound £5, £10, £20, £50, £100
Coins: Pence 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50. Pound 1, 2.
Denominations of US dollar
Banknotes: 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100
Coins: 1, 2, 5

Pounds to dollars

Convert pounds to dollars with converter above, also you can see here pound to dollar exchange rate which is changing every second. Both currencies are popular and you won't have problems when transferring them via Paypal, Moneygram or Western Union. If you want to exchange pounds to US dollars, you have to find the best currency exchange with best exchange rate. Another way to get the best gbp to usd exchange rate is to start trading by yourself, open account and buy or sell gbp, usd by your own risk at the best exchange rate. For trading you must be experienced and to know how to control the trading risk, it is very risky. The easiest and safest way is to find reliable currency exchange in the city, where you'll be able to exchange your money. Another way is to exchange your money online with some reliable apps or banks services. Here, you can check and follow live exchange rate and calculate gbp to usd online.

GBP to USD exchange rates history
Date from
Date exchange rate
exchange rate
Day change
Percentile change
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5 years ago

Where is the best place to exchange my us dollars to pounds in Edinburgh?

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5 years ago

What is the best choice to exchange dollars to pounds - bring cash USD to UK, exchange usd to gbp in USA, bring just credit card and use ATM in UK?

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5 years ago

What is the conversion rate from dollars to pounds?

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5 years ago

How to convert us dollars to pounds on a calculator?

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5 years ago

When is the best time to buy dollars with pounds?

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5 years ago

400 pounds is equal to how many dollars?

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15 pounds is equal to how many dollars?

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5 years ago

1000 pounds is equal to how many dollars? 1000 GBP to USD? Do you have converters?

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5 years ago

What is current exchange rate pounds to dollars? Could i follow live gbp to usd exchange rate?

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5 years ago

How to convert pounds to dollars manually? I mean if you count one by one on the paper? 1 gbp to usd, then 2 gbp to usd, then 2.3 gbp to usd, etc.

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