CNY to USD exchange rate, chart
CNY to USD exchange rate chart
Prepared money conversions
USD to CNY conversion
Exchange rates today 18 Dec 2024CNY to USD currency information
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Renminbi to US dollar or RMB to USD
First of all, pay attention that Chinese currency has two it's own names: Renminbi (RMB) and Yuan (CNY). The meaning of Renminbi is "people's money" and most common in China, while Yuan is money as unit of account. Similar comparison could be between sterling and pound in the UK. In exchange rates tables, charts and converters we're using Yuan with CNY currency symbol. Convert cny to us dollar with flexible currency converter, also check Renminbi to US Dollar exchange rate which is changing every second. Of course, the cny to usd exchange rate is changing all the time, but you can count approximately 6-7 CNY for 1 USD, but for exact value check our live cny to usd exchange rate. There are two looks at China economy - by one look it is 2nd largest world economy, by another it is the largest economy in the world. Actually, economy and trade wars between United States and China impacts all the world - it is two biggest world economies and they are fighting all the time. While China blocks all Social and search engines like Facebook or Google, many Americans or people from other countries wants to visit China, so CNY/USD exchange rate is very important. You can easily convert Renminbi (RMB or CNY) to US dollars at most places, because Renmnimbi is quite popular currency in the US. First, check currency converter for general conversion rate, then you can look for currency exchanges or exchange money somewhere online. Also, if you need to transfer Renminbi or US dollars to any country or from China to US, you're able to transfer money via xoom, Paypal, Moneygram, Transferwise, Western Union etc. But if you want just to convert your CNY to US dollars, then you have to compare and to know where is the best cny to usd exchange rate. In the US, try to find currency exchanges in the city or malls and try to find the best exchange rates offering currency exchange. States and cities in the US are very big and you need a lot of time to travel from one place to another, so another possible way to exchange cny to usd is online, via money transfer services and also banks, with very high commissions. Sometimes in China you will have to choose the closest currency exchange. Before you go to any currency exchange, you should check general conversion rate with currency converter.
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