
2000 Kenyan Shilling to Euro converter

KES to EUR currency converter. Convert Kenyan Shilling to Euro with real time currency calculator. Just enter the amount in currency converter to KES or EUR field and converter in real time will show the conversion result. You can modify KES to EUR converter and add or remove any currency you want. Aside currency converter, you'll find KES/EUR chart - here you can check live and history KES/EUR exchange rates.

Conversion of 2000 KES to EUR equals 14.29 EUR

By the date of 18 Dec 2024. For detailed KES to EUR converter take a look below.

Currency converter

Kenyan Shilling (KES)
Euro (EUR)
1 KES to EUR = 0.007146 EUR
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USDUnited States Dollar
Currency exchange Live rate Change Change ratio
0.007146 -0.000005 -0.071%

Currency Exchange in Kenya

Foreign bureaus are expected to follow strict regulations as regards the practice of exchanging various foreign currencies. Banks too offer the service of currency exchange along other banks services. However, the challenge with bank is that they operate within working schedules thus they may not be efficient after hours i.e. during weekends and after weekday working hours, that up till 8pm which is the latest time that banks operate. They are expected to display all the foreign currency on a board. Most hotels too offer the service for their customers in small scale. However, on the down side, some may inflate the cost of exchange by a few cents or coins. To ensure you are getting the right exchange rate a currency convertor tool comes in handy. The tools make ones’ life easier as they are able to convert various currencies from USD to Kenya Shillings and Kenya Shillings to USD. The tool also enables one to calculate the conversation rates for other currencies to Kenya shilling that include and not limited to Pounds, Euro, Japanese Yen, South Africa Rand among other foreign currencies. Once the tool has converted your currency it’s time to exchange your cash.

How to Exchange

Unless one is making a huge amount of currency exchange, one requires only their passport for personal details recording. However, for huge amounts that are more than Ksh500,000- and above which is an equivalent to 5,000 USD it is better to use a bank as your exchange. Huge amounts must be back up with the source and intended use of the cash. This is a Central Bank requirement in an effort to curb money laundering within the country.
Once you have changed your money you are now well equipped to commence or continue enjoying magical Kenya.

Where to Exchange

Foreign bureaus are expected to follow strict regulations as regards the practice of exchanging various foreign currencies. Banks too offer the service of currency exchange along other banks services. However, the challenge with bank is that they operate within working schedules thus they may not be efficient after hours i.e. during weekends and after weekday working hours, that up till 8pm which is the latest time that banks operate. They are expected to display all the foreign currency on a board. Most hotels too offer the service for their customers in small scale. However, on the down side, some may inflate the cost of exchange by a few cents or coins. To ensure you are getting the right exchange rate a currency convertor tool comes in handy. The tools make ones’ life easier as they are able to convert various currencies from USD to Kenya Shillings and Kenya Shillings to USD. The tool also enables one to calculate the conversation rates for other currencies to Kenya shilling that include and not limited to Pounds, Euro, Japanese Yen, South Africa Rand among other foreign currencies. Once the tool has converted your currency it’s time to exchange your cash.

Currency converter in Kenya

Here are several tips on what to look out for while exchanging your cash

  • Use only authorized Forex bureaus: Do not use any unauthorized foreign exchange dealers. You will encounter several money changers especially at exit point like borders points like the Namanga border towards Tanzania, as well as in Busia and Malaba towards Uganda. Using unauthorized changers is risky and my result to loss of your money or fake currencies.
  • Security: Avoid changing too much cash. Most hotels accept debit and credit cards thus exchange just enough for your cash payments and for some shopping.
  • Shop for the best exchange rate: The central business district in Nairobi has quite a number of exchange bureaus. If you have some time explore bureaus around Kenyatta Avenue, and around the city market. There the are more than fifteen forex exchangers located within short distances making it easy for one to scout for the best rate. Most bureaus do not charge a commission.
  • Remember to exchange your remaining local cash while leaving the country, unless you need to keep it as a souvenir especially coins.

Exchange Kenya Shillings

If you want to exchange money from one currency to another, such as Kenya Shillings to US Dollars (KES to USD), one of the first considerations will be the exchange rate. You can find a guiding currency exchange rate from a currency converter. That way, you can know approximately how many US Dollars you can expect to get for a certain number of Kenya Shillings, and vice versa.

However, you should be aware that in Kenya, there will be two exchange rates applicable when changing currency:

  • one for selling foreign currency to you (such as when converting KES to USD) and
  • one for buying foreign currency from you (such as when converting USD to KES).

In Kenya, you can officially change your Kenya Shillings to US dollars or to another foreign currency, and vice versa, at banks or at foreign exchange (forex) bureaus. It is generally more convenient to change your currency from forex bureaus. This is because these bureaus are usually strategically located for the convenience of customers, such as at airports and within or near major hotels. Also, bureaus are usually less crowded than banks, because banks have people who are there to carry out other transactions, not just currency exchange.

Each of these currency exchange offices will set their own exchange rate, but this will normally be close to the rate you will find in a currency converter.

Generally speaking, the forex bureaus in Kenya do not charge a commission for each transaction as some banks do, but you should confirm this before exchanging your money, so that you can determine if you are getting a deal that is acceptable to you.

Below is a list of some of the places you can exchange currency in Nairobi, Mombasa and Kisumu:

ABC Bank, Koinange Street, Nairobi Tel: +254 202 251 540
Barclays Bank of Kenya, Loita Street, Nairobi, Tel. +254 203 900 000
Barclays Bank of Kenya, Nkrumah Street, Mombasa, Tel. +254 203 900 000
KCB Bank, Kencom, Moi Avenue, Nairobi Tel. +254 (0)20 327 0000
KCB Bank Mombasa Airport, Mombasa Tel. +254 710 792 151

Alpha Forex Bureau Limited,
Pamstech House,
Telephone: +254 20 445 1435/7

Classic Forex Bureau Limited,
1st Floor, Prestige Plaza,
Ngong Road,
Telephone: +254 20 386 2343

Island Forex Bureau Limited,
Abdulrasul Investment Building,
Moi Avenue,
Telephone: +254 724 755 299

Junction Forex Bureau Limited,
Dagoretti Corner,
Telephone: +254 20 386 1268

Kenza Exchange Bureau Limited,
Jomo Kenyatta International Airport, Arrival Unit 1,
Telephone: +254 20 224 5863

Leo Forex Bureau Limited,
T. S. S. Towers,
Nkrumah Road,
Telephone: +254 41 223 0396,

Metropolitan Bureau De Change Limited,
Jomo Kenyatta International Airport,
Telephone: +254 20 827 963

Offshore Forex Bureau Limited,
Ground Floor, Cianda House,
Koinange Street,
Telephone: +254 20 310 837

Pel Forex Bureau Limited,
Allmamra Plaza,
Oginga Odinga Road,
Telephone: +254 57 202 4134

Pwani Forex Bureau Limited,
K.S.I Jamaat Building,
Block 404 XV 11/M1,
Abdel Nasser Road,
Telephone: +254 41 222 1727

Simba Forex Bureau Limited,
Moi International Airport,
Telephone: +254 722 703 121

Sterling Forex Bureau Limited,
Laxmi Plaza,
Biashara Street,
Telephone: +254 20 222 8923

Best currency converter

With this currency converter, you're able to add your favorite currencies and remove the ones you don't need. Add or remove as many currencies as you want and construct the converter according to your needs. Enter the amount in the field next to the currency and you will see the converted results in other currency fields.

Currency converter

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Currency converter usage on Mobile (video)

As you see in the video, this currency converter is available to use on mobile phone, everywhere you want, in the street, forest, bar, bank - anywhere. We are ready to introduce you more tutorials how to use currency converter and how to exchange currency at best rates.

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